Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Backyard Woodland Adventures

Finally spotted my male & female Great Crested Flycatcher together at the nest box! Although the lighting wasn't the best...you can see the males crest.
I can't wait till they have their babies and I hope they aren't as elusive as their parents!

Oh yes...and here we have the Redheaded Woodpecker...aka meal worm thief...

and proud of it as you can see!!!

No wonder my Bluebird Daddy has to grab so many meal worms at once...after all...he has a lot of mouths to feed!!!

Stay tuned for more of my backyard woodland adventures.

1 comment:

jalynn01 said...

It's so great to see birds (flycatcher) that we don't get her, or atleast I don't see them!! Love the capture and keep up the good work. Will be waiting to see babies next!!