Sunday, August 5, 2007

God's Wondrous Winged Flowers

I continue to be amazed at the beauty and the variety of God's Winged Flowers!!!

Their colorful winged beauty landing on equally colorful blooms...

making a spectacular riot of color that simply takes your breath away!!!

Each creation so uniquely and intricately made...

who could ever doubt their is a Creator!!!

No wonder in Romans chapter 1 it says man has no excuse...

For creation proves their is a Creator!!!

If the earth has such magnificent beauty to behold...I can't begin to imagine what is waiting for us in heaven!!!!


jalynn01 said...

Amen sister to all your comments. These beautiful butterflies are surely a testament of God's creation and glory. I thank you for the post, I haven't seen many butterflies here in my yard and miss them greatly.

jalynn01 said...

hey! sorry to post twice but I just noticed the little green worm on the black eyed susan beside the butterfly appearing to watch it? Cool!!! When I enlarged the pict. it popped right out at me.

Mary said...

Absolutely stunning pictures! God's creations are beautiful reminders of his love for us. I too, have not seen many butterfly's this year.

Aunt "B's" Backyard said...

Great shots girl! I love how the flowers and butterflies compliment each other. They are beautiful!