Monday, August 27, 2007

A Gift from God at Work!

It has been so hot in North Carolina I've been staying inside! Needless to say...I was going through photography withdrawal!!! You see...I suffer from OCD...Obsessive Camera Disorder. haha On top of that I was working 12 hour shifts this imagine my thrill when God flew the photo opp right outside my workplace window!!! God is certainly good!!!

I grabbed my trusty camera...which is always with me...ran to the window and aimed across the street at this beautiful Hawk!

I didn't dare unlock the door and step out...with that Hawk eye and the fact that he would hear only alternative was to shoot through the rather fogged up window.

The Hawk just seemed to sit there and I was able to take photo after photo...therefore alleviating my withdrawal symptoms...and finally getting my OCD back in control!

I am certainly learning to love my camera with continuous's just great for wildlife!!!

I know the Hawk must have spotted me...after all...I was shooting out of a large picture (pardon the pun) window. hee-hee

However it continued to pose...while I continued to click!

What a great and unexpected gift of which I was very thankful for and appreciated beyond words!!!

Doth the hawk fly by thy wisdom, and stretch her wings toward the south?
Job 39:26


Aunt "B's" Backyard said...

WAY TO GO, JAN!!!!!!!!!!
There is always that 'higher' power at work. Gee they should make that into a sign! HAHA

jalynn01 said...

In the next to the last photo... Look at it and imagine the hawk who is looking up, saying: "OK God, she's taken a hundred shots can I go yet?" And God says just a couple more. Just when we need it He sends something for us to marvel about!! Great shots Jan.
Aww and Thank you God! What a beautiful creature you've given us.

Anonymous said...

Absolutley beautiful pictures. Outstanding stuff, Jan!