Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Autumn Splendor in the Carolina's

This was taken in the early morning hours on my commute home from work.

I just can't seem to find the time to enjoy my photography hobby lately.

Now don't laugh...but most of these were taken on my way to the dump with my garbage. haha

Fortunately we have some pretty scenery on the way there!

You're in luck...I spared you pictures of the actual dump! hee-hee

Notice the bird landing at the top of this tree...didn't notice it when I took the photo.

I thought these horses looked good against the Autumn scenery.

We don't have the gorgeous array of colors that you have up North...but...

Hope you enjoyed the Autumn excursion through the Carolina countryside!


Aunt "B's" Backyard said...

Exquisite shots for framing. Must run in the family. What is that bird on the fence??? Just beautiful Jotterjan!!

jalynn01 said...

Lovely! So glad to see a post from you. My first question was 'what is the bird on the fence?' but I see everyone else has asked too!! haha. Your fall looks just as pretty as ours and I love the shots with the water. Glad you fit it in your schedule. :-)