Wisteria...although invasive...could invade my yard any day!!!
It's not only beautiful to behold...
the fragrance is absolutely heavenly!!!
The male Cardinal looks especially handsome against the light purple hues.
Even this little Shrike seems to be enjoying the awesome aromatherapy before his next attack! haha Looks like a baby Shrike to me...so hopefully he can't do too much damage.
Wow...what are the chances of spotting a Shrike twice in one week...when ordinarily I never see them!
As long as they stay out of my yard!!! All of the others are more than welcome to visit!
As you see from the last photo the Mockingbird is singing the praises of Wisteria...so come back and visit Wisteria Lane...just be sure to bring your camera along!
Hi Jan! That is a awesome post! The wisteria is just incredibly beautiful. I can only imagine how yummy it smells. Oh, to live in your part of the country!
Ooh! I can almost smell it. I'm originally from Georgia, and of course, wisteria was everywhere...it smells like summer to me. We have it here in VA, but not nearly as much. Those photos are beautiful!
Beautiful. Looks like you finally got some time off to yourself..
Great shots. I would love to smell the wisteria.. Never even seen it before..
Thanks everyone...I fell in love with Wisteria when I moved to North Carolina! No Stacey...no extra time...just happened to stop to get gas on the way home from work and they had Wisterisa behind the building. Just moved my car back there and shot from the car window. Since it war rather far back form the parking lot the photo's aren't as clear as I would've liked.
Love that little Shrike :-)
Such beautiful pictures, Jan! I love the Wisteria. It was nice of the birds to cooperate and pose for you there!
Considering your lack of time and to get THESE shots behind the gas station I'd say you did great. The Wisteria is just beautiful and I love your birds too! I can't believe there was that many different birds there. God is Good! Let us never forget.
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