Thursday, May 31, 2007
Another Flycatcher Adventure
This is the Female Flycatcher trying to figure out where the w-r-r-r sound from my camera is coming from. I'm sitting in my car close to her nesting box shooting away.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Backyard Woodland Adventures
Oh yes...and here we have the Redheaded Woodpecker...aka meal worm thief...
and proud of it as you can see!!!
No wonder my Bluebird Daddy has to grab so many meal worms at once...after all...he has a lot of mouths to feed!!!
Monday, May 28, 2007
My Elusive Great Crested Flycatcher's
It seems only the male has a crest...but...they both have a yellow belly which you only see part of in this pictures.
I certainly have enough bugs to maintain their steady diet of flying insects!
I'll have to work harder to capture a photo of the male...perhaps when the eggs are hatched I'll have better luck.
Stay tuned for more nesting adventures starring...The Great Crested Flycatcher!
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Welcome To My Woodland Bird Sanctuary
As you can see he is jealously guarding his little cabin from the Bluebirds.
This is my handsome male Eastern Bluebird.
Although they look like Western Bluebirds...don't let the hat fool you...they are actually a pair of Eastern Bluebirds.
My sweet little Bluebird guarding the hat and his meal worms from the Redheaded bully.
Blue Boy looks on as Big Red gives him a look that says...don't even think about coming over here!!
As you can see my backyard birds provide me with ample photo ops and a lot of entertainment.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Redheaded Welcome for a Redhead
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Once Upon a Deer
Finally she looks up but stays frozen in the same position. Hmm...something is going on...but what?
By the can click on the pics to see them larger.
How exciting and unexpected...a doe and her fawn!!!! Mom decides it's time for them to move on...and off they go.
Welcome to Woodland Photography
If you are wondering what in the world this little bird could're not the only one! I was told this was an immature Indigo Bunting.
This cute little bird was difficult for me to photograph...he's small and dark...and we were in the woods. I was so excited...I've never seen an Indigo Bunting up close!
Monday, May 21, 2007
Oh Deer...Another Dry Run Adventure
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Wildlife in PA
Finally...ending the day on a perfect note...we drove to Dry Run to photograph this willing subject. She must have been patiently posing for me...knowing that in this low light setting I would have difficulty getting a shot of her.